Lowongan Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM)

ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) adalah pemimpin global dalam nutrisi manusia dan hewan yang memanfaatkan kekuatan alam untuk menciptakan bahan-bahan dan solusi bernutrisi yang aman, sehat, dan berkelanjutan. Dengan portofolio luas yang mencakup berbagai bahan pangan dan pakan, ADM mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi serta selera konsumen di seluruh dunia. Melalui inovasi berbasis sains, ADM tidak hanya merumuskan produk berkualitas tinggi, tetapi juga berkolaborasi dengan pelanggan untuk menciptakan solusi nutrisi yang relevan dan sesuai dengan tren pasar.

Selain itu, ADM memiliki jejak global yang luas dengan keahlian dalam mengelola rantai pasokan nutrisi secara berkelanjutan. Dengan efisiensi operasional dan komitmen terhadap praktik berkelanjutan, ADM mampu menambah nilai pada setiap tahap rantai pasokan. Fokus ADM pada inovasi, keberlanjutan, dan kolaborasi menjadikannya mitra terpercaya dalam menghadirkan solusi nutrisi yang berdampak positif bagi kesehatan manusia dan kesejahteraan hewan di seluruh dunia.

Global Trade Commercial Trainee, Asia

The Program

You will be given a chance to unlock your fullest potential within the Commercial Management Trainee Program. Our program is designed to allow for accelerated growth with the objective of equipping you with the necessary skill sets and fundamental knowledge to take on a role in our Global Trade Commercial team. Through the course of the program, you will follow a learning plan which balances business requirements and personal development.

  • Placing equal emphasis on both theoretical and practical aspects of learning:
    • Your first year will be spent in your home country as a Commercial Trainee, dedicated to learning the fundamentals of our agricultural commodity business where you will go through a structured rotation across all the different supporting business function.
    • In the second year, you will continue your journey where you will be given a chance to further develop and apply these skills while having more autonomy and market exposure.
  • As you venture through the different businesses and departments, you will be expected to present on a business problem of your choice and develop a solution for the company.
  • On successful completion, you will be offered a junior trader role with us in our Global Trade Team.

Your Profile :

  • Master’s or bachelor degree
  • Strong interest for commodity trading business
  • Entrepreneurial, hands-on and self-motivated with a strong drive for success and continuous improvement
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail, with the ability to manage autonomously
  • Consistently demonstrates high ethical standards and integrity. Acts with honesty and transparency, making decisions that reflect the values of the organization.
  • Strong Team Player with excellent communication skills, good with forging relationships
  • Internationally mobile – willing to accept assignments in different countries on short notice

Your Future Perspective :

  • A unique experience in the commercial field at different Asian locations across ADM.
  • Hands-on exposure and real responsibility for commercial, risk management and/or logistical decisions across multiple commodity markets
  • Opportunity to be mentored by an experienced trader
  • Meaningful projects to contribute to the global trading challenges of today and tomorrow
  • Excellent career opportunities in a world-leading agriculture company

How To Apply

If you are interested, please send your latest CV/Resume through the following link. Please be careful of fraud and requests for money related to this vacancy. We recommend double-checking before submitting your application.

  • ADM Career