Lowongan PT Vale Indonesia Tbk

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, berdiri sejak 25 Juli 1968, telah tumbuh menjadi salah satu perusahaan tambang mineral terkemuka di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki komitmen jangka panjang untuk berkontribusi positif terhadap pembangunan Indonesia yang berkelanjutan. Dengan luas konsesi seluas 118.017 hektar di Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Sulawesi Tenggara, PT Vale Indonesia menambang nikel laterit menggunakan teknologi pyrometalurgi. Rata-rata volume produksi nikel mencapai 75.000 metrik ton per tahun. Selain itu, perseroan juga mengembangkan proyek pabrik pengolahan nikel di Sambalagi, Sulawesi Tengah, dan Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara, untuk memproduksi bahan utama dalam pembuatan baja nirkarat dan baterai mobil listrik.

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, sebagai bagian dari Vale Canada Limited dan Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd, memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup, membangun masa depan yang lebih baik, serta berkontribusi pada perkembangan dunia melalui keberlanjutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pada tahun 2020, PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIND ID) juga menjadi pemegang saham dengan 20% kepemilikan. Dengan tujuan ini, PT Vale Indonesia terus berupaya mencapai pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan memainkan peran penting dalam industri pertambangan Indonesia.

Operational Readiness (OR) Engineer

Placement: Sorowako Limonite


  • Coordinate planning and execution of Operational & Maintenance Readiness for mining (spare part list and budget).
  • Prepare and manage contract preparation, tender processes, and mobilization & training for future operation personnel.
  • Manage and coordinate interfaces between project teams and PTVI departments to ensure safe project delivery.
  • Maintain communication and relationships with management across participating organizations, including government and contractors.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to develop department expectations, project scope, budget, schedule, and implementation plans.
  • Forecast, report, and control operational costs, schedules, scope, and safety.


  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Mining Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in a related field.
  • Must hold a Pengawas Operasional Pertama (POP) certification.
  • Knowledge of Project Management Basics and Mechanical Engineering.
  • Experience in Nickel Laterite Mining, Scheduling, Ore Blending, and Mining Equipment Calculations.

Junior Mechanical Engineer


  • Ensure compliance with EHS procedures, standards, and policies in the Engineering Project area.
  • Conduct safety audits and procedures to maintain or improve safety standards.
  • Complete mechanical, piping, process, and utility system engineering designs.
  • Prepare project scopes, alternatives, and recommendations for project engineers and managers.
  • Coordinate and prepare construction drawings to ensure comprehensive packages.
  • Develop cost estimates and material requisitions for project equipment and materials.
  • Review and evaluate technical bids and tender offers.
  • Compile Engineering Work Package (EWP) documentation.
  • Perform periodic inspections to ensure technical compliance.
  • Resolve technical issues during project execution and commissioning.


  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Preferred minimum 3 years of experience & STR (PII) and SKK (LSP) certification.
  • Basic knowledge of Energy & Logistics Processes, Mechanical Engineering Design Procedures, and Engineering Software.
  • Project management knowledge and experience in mechanical system design and cost estimation.

Junior Geologist


  • Ensure compliance with mining safety procedures and zero tolerance policies.
  • Conduct safety layer audits and sampling (face, rompile, station, MRAL, trommel).
  • Coordinate ore cleaning with small dozers and excavators.
  • Monitor and control nickel batching activities according to specifications.
  • Coordinate with mine delta base for effective fleet management.
  • Communicate and coordinate with contractors’ quality assurance teams.
  • Minimize dilution and ore loss while ensuring proper ore and OB placement.


  • Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Geology Engineering.
  • Knowledge of nickel laterite geology, safety, and environmental regulations.
  • Understanding of grade control, reconciliation, mining, ore processing, and mine engineering concepts.

General Requirements:

  • Proficient in English (written and spoken).
  • Basic computer skills (MS Office: Word, Excel, MS Project & PowerPoint).
  • Successful candidates must meet minimum standards for technical tests, interviews, and medical check-ups by PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.
  • Must hold a valid Luwu Timur residency ID (KTP).
  • Submit a Yellow Card (AK/I) from the Digital Service Archive Application of Luwu Timur.

How To Apply

If you are interested, please send your latest CV/Resume through the following link. Please be careful of fraud and requests for money related to this vacancy. We recommend double-checking before submitting your application.

  • PT Vale Indonesia Tbk