Lowongan PT Mowilex Indonesia

Mowilex Indonesia, anak perusahaan Asia Coatings Enterprises, Pte. Ltd., adalah produsen cat dan pelapis premium yang telah beroperasi sejak 1970. Mowilex menjadi pelopor di industri dengan inovasi seperti cat berbahan dasar air yang ramah lingkungan, penjualan cat dalam bentuk volume, dan sertifikasi Netral Karbon pertama di Indonesia. Perusahaan juga menetapkan standar VOC berdasarkan regulasi Kualitas Udara California, menegaskan komitmen terhadap kualitas dan lingkungan.

Mowilex aktif dalam tanggung jawab sosial, mendanai ratusan sekolah, mengecat taman, dan organisasi keagamaan. Pada 2019, perusahaan mendonasikan lebih dari 50.000 liter cat untuk proyek CSR. Mowilex juga mendukung konservasi Badak Sumatera dan pelestarian Teluk Saleh di Sumbawa. Aktivitas sosial lainnya termasuk pengecatan Panti Rawinala dan bantuan gempa bumi di Palu, mencerminkan komitmen terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat.

Management Trainee – Mowilex Future Leaders Program (MFLP) Batch 3

Your Role :

In MFLP, you will have the opportunity to develop skills through on-the-job training, receive professional training, as well as having a better behind-the-scenes understanding of the highly competitive paints and coatings industry. After graduation, the trainees will be placed in various leadership and management positions based on their interests and the company’s needs.


  1. Minimum Bachelor’s Degree Graduates from all majors
  2. Minimum GPA 3.0
  3. Ready to be placed across Indonesia
  4. Proficiency in English

Benefit :

  • 12-month fast-track program which will lead you into a leadership position
  • On-the-job training with selected mentors and professional training
  • Highly competitive benefits and opportunities

Registration is open until June 30th, 2024

How to Apply

If you are interested, please send your latest CV/Resume through the following link. Please be careful of fraud and requests for money related to this vacancy. We recommend double-checking before submitting your application.

  • MFLP Batch 3