Beta Pharmacon, sebagai bagian dari Dexa Group yang didirikan oleh Bapak Alm. Letnan Kolonel (Purnawirawan) Ckm. Drs. Rudy Soetikno, Apt, bertujuan untuk menyediakan obat berkualitas dan terjangkau untuk mendukung program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) di Indonesia. Sebagai perusahaan farmasi terdepan, Beta Pharmacon memiliki visi untuk menjadi mitra terpercaya dalam menghasilkan produk berkualitas dengan mengutamakan efisiensi, optimalisasi, dan perbaikan berkesinambungan, serta menjunjung tinggi nilai tambah bagi pelanggan dan kesehatan masyarakat secara nasional. Dengan sertifikasi dan standar yang telah terverifikasi, serta berbagai bentuk sediaan obat yang diproduksi seperti tablet, cairan oral, kapsul lunak, dan cairan obat dalam, Beta Pharmacon berkomitmen untuk menjaga kualitas dan keamanan produknya melalui proses manufaktur yang mematuhi Praktik Manufaktur yang Baik (CPOB).
Beta Pharmacon juga mengadopsi konsep Lean Manufacturing dan Modular System untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi, serta memiliki fasilitas laboratorium yang dilengkapi dengan peralatan modern untuk pengawasan mutu produk. Gudang penyimpanan dilengkapi dengan sistem pengaturan suhu yang terkontrol untuk menyimpan bahan baku, bahan kemasan, dan produk jadi dengan aman dan sesuai dengan persyaratan suhu tertentu. Dengan demikian, Beta Pharmacon berkomitmen untuk menjaga kualitas, keamanan, dan keberlanjutan dalam menyediakan produk farmasi berkualitas bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
Quality Assurance Product Evaluation Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing
- Knowledge of the implementation of CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java
Quality Control Sampling & Packaging Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing
- Knowledge of the implementation of CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java
QA Training & Continuous Improvement Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in Quality Assurance within the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing, CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Knowledge of compliance, GMP, SJH, and PV Training, Technical Unit Training, and Personnel/Auditor Qualification
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java
Quality Control Microbiology Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing
- Knowledge of the implementation of CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java
Quality Assurance Validation Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing
- Knowledge of the implementation of CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java
Production Officer
- Apothecary degree with a minimum GPA of 3.00
- At least 1 year of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
- Understanding and familiarity with lean manufacturing
- Knowledge of the implementation of CPOB / CPOTB / GLP
- Strong leadership, communication, and coordination skills
- Good presentation skills and the ability to influence others
- Placement: Karawang, West Java