PT Dharma Lautan Utama (DLU) adalah perusahaan pelayaran yang berbasis di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, dan telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1976. Awalnya, DLU hanya mengoperasikan tiga kapal feri yang disewa dari PJKA untuk melayani rute Ujung-Kamal, sebelum akhirnya memperluas armada dengan menambah kapal baru, seperti KMP Joko Tole dan KMP Trunojoyo. Dalam perkembangannya, DLU berekspansi ke berbagai lintasan di Indonesia, termasuk lintasan Somber-Penajam, Kayangan-Poto Tano, Lembar-Padang Bai, dan Ketapang-Gilimanuk. Hingga akhir tahun 2022, DLU telah memiliki 33 kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, dan armadanya terus bertambah untuk melayani rute jarak jauh seperti Tanjung Perak-Tanjung Emas dan Trisakti-Sampit.
DLU tidak hanya fokus pada transportasi laut, tetapi juga mengakuisisi PT Adiluhung Saranasegara Indonesia pada tahun 2007 untuk memperkuat segmen perawatan kapal. Selain itu, DLU juga mengembangkan bisnisnya di sektor pariwisata dengan mengakuisisi Hotel Graha Senggigi di Mataram pada tahun 2010. Pada Juli 2023, perusahaan ini memperkenalkan KMP Dharma Kartika II yang melayani rute Tanjung Perak-Trisakti, kapal berukuran besar yang mampu mengangkut ratusan penumpang dan puluhan kendaraan. Dengan layanan yang terus berkembang, DLU berkomitmen untuk menjadi salah satu pemain utama dalam industri pelayaran Indonesia.
Owner Surveyor/Project Manager
- Male, max 35 years old.
- Education: D3 Ship Machinery/Ship Construction, S1 Naval Engineering/Ship Systems.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in the same position.
- Able to lead a ship repair team.
- Experience in shipping/shipyard companies is preferred.
- Proficient in AutoCAD and MS Office.
- Willing to travel.
Cost Estimation Staff
- Male, max 35 years old.
- Education: Minimum D3 Ship Machinery/S1 Naval Systems.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar position.
- Able to create Budget Plans (RAB).
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Enjoys fieldwork.
- Willing to travel.
Logistics Staff
- Male, max 35 years old.
- Education: Minimum D3 Ship Machinery/S1 Naval Systems.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in a similar position.
- Understands logistics flowcharts.
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Enjoys fieldwork.
- Willing to travel.
- Male, max 30 years old.
- Education: D3/S1 in any major.
- Enjoys fieldwork and administrative tasks.
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Willing to be placed outside Java Island.
Finance Staff
- Male, max 30 years old.
- Education: D3/S1 in Financial Management/Accounting.
- Understands basic accounting and financial reporting.
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Willing to be placed outside Java Island.
Service Crew – Sailing
- Male, max 33 years old.
- Education: Minimum D3 Hospitality/S1 in any major.
- Understands service concepts and has an attractive appearance.
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Willing to sail and be placed outside Java Island.
Medical Staff – Sailing
- Male, max 33 years old.
- Education: Minimum D3/S1 Nursing with a valid STR (Registration Certificate).
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Willing to sail and be placed outside Java Island.
- Female, max 23 years old.
- Education: Minimum D3 in any major.
- Minimum height: 163 cm with proportional weight.
- Understands service concepts and has an attractive appearance.
- Proficient in MS Office.
- Willing to sail and be placed outside Java Island.
Electrical Technician
- Male, max 35 years old.
- Education: D3/D1 in Ship Electrical, D3/S1 in Electrical Engineering, preferably weak current.
- Understands electrical troubleshooting and PLC.
- Willing to sail and be placed throughout Indonesia.
Mechanical Technician
- Male, max 38 years old.
- Education: SMK/D3 in Ship Machinery.
- Understands ship machinery troubleshooting, spare parts, and has experience in overhauling.
- Proficient in using measuring tools.
- Minimum 2 years of experience in the same position.
- Willing to be assigned outside Java Island.
General Qualifications:
- Communicative, innovative, independent.
- Confident, honest, loyal, disciplined, diligent, and hardworking.
- Physically and mentally healthy, not colorblind.
- Minimum height: 185 cm, proportional weight.
How to Apply:
Send your application including:
- Cover letter.
- CV (Resume).
- Copy of diploma, transcript, and ID.
- Passport photo (4×6 cm, 1 piece).