PT Hasnur Riung Sinergi (HRS) adalah perusahaan jasa kontraktor pertambangan batubara yang berdiri pada 26 Oktober 2010 dengan kepemilikan saham gabungan antara Hasnur Jaya Energi (55%) dan PT Riung Mitra Lestari (45%). Berkantor pusat di Gedung Office 8, Jakarta Selatan, perusahaan ini berkomitmen menjadi kontraktor pertambangan premium yang mengutamakan prinsip keselamatan, efisiensi, dan keberlanjutan. Melalui penerapan Hasnur Riung Sinergi Integrated Management System (HIMS) yang merujuk pada standar internasional (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, dan ISO 45001) serta standar nasional (SMK3 dan SMKP), HRS memastikan operasional yang optimal dan ramah lingkungan. Dengan tenaga ahli profesional, tim manajemen yang solid, dan peralatan modern, HRS menjalankan kegiatan pertambangan berdasarkan prinsip Good Mining Practice(GMP) untuk memastikan praktik yang aman dan berkelanjutan.
HRS saat ini mengelola tiga proyek besar di Kalimantan Selatan, yaitu di wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) PT Energi Batubara Lestari, PT Bhumi Rantau Energi, dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) PT Antang Gunung Meratus. Dengan kapasitas terpasang mencapai 43 juta Bank Cubic Meter (BCM) Overburden dan 10,3 juta Metrik Ton (MT) batubara per tahun, HRS berperan penting dalam mendukung kebutuhan energi nasional. Komitmen perusahaan untuk menjaga keselamatan kerja, efisiensi operasional, serta keberlanjutan lingkungan menjadikan HRS salah satu kontraktor tambang terkemuka di Indonesia yang dipercaya oleh berbagai mitra industri tambang.
SAP Project Manager (Project-Based Position)
- Minimum Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Information Technology, Business Management, Information Systems, or relevant fields.
- 3-5 years of experience in a similar position.
- Managerial experience is required.
- Proven experience leading system development projects.
- Proficient in analyzing reports and management systems.
- Capable of working independently and in teams.
- Preferably certified in Project Management Professional (PMP) and SAP Certified Application.
- Willing to undergo the full recruitment process and travel to all work areas.
Plant Department
Positions Available:
Track & Drill Group Leader
Plant Instructor
- Minimum education: Diploma (D3) or Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Heavy Equipment Engineering or related fields.
- 2-3 years of experience as Group Leader/Foreman/Supervisor.
- 5+ years of experience as a mechanic.
- Certification in POP and BMC.
- TOT certification is preferred.
- Proficient in computer operation (Microsoft Office and other relevant software).
- Willing to undergo the recruitment process and travel to all work areas.
Production Department
Positions Available:
Coal Group Leader
Dewatering Group Leader
Road Maintenance Group Leader
- Minimum education: Diploma (D3) or Bachelor’s degree (S1) in Mining Engineering, Geology, Civil Engineering, or related fields.
- 2-3 years of experience as Group Leader/Foreman/Supervisor.
- Certification in POP.
- Proficient in computer operation (Microsoft Office and relevant software).
- Willing to undergo the recruitment process and travel to all work areas.
SHE Department
Positions Available:
SHE Compliance & Training Group Leader
- Minimum education: Diploma (D3), Bachelor’s degree (D4/S1) in Public Health, Occupational Health & Safety (K3), Environmental Engineering, or related fields.
- 2-3 years of experience as Group Leader/Foreman/Supervisor.
- Certification in POP, TOT, AK3U, SMKP, and ISO.
- Experienced in creating systems and analyzing data.
- Proficient in computer operation (Microsoft Office and other relevant software).
- Willing to undergo the recruitment process and travel to all work areas.
Engineering Department
Positions Available:
Mine Plan Group Leader
- Minimum education: Diploma (D3), Bachelor’s degree (D4/S1) in Geology, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, or related fields.
- 2-3 years of experience as Group Leader/Foreman/Supervisor.
- Certification in POP.
- Proficient in operating relevant software (Microsoft Office, Surpac, Minescape, Minex, Xpac, etc.).
- Willing to undergo the recruitment process and travel to all work areas.