Lowongan PT Manambang Muara Enim

PT Manambang Muara Enim (MME) adalah perusahaan pertambangan batubara yang memiliki izin IUP Operasi Produksi berdasarkan keputusan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) untuk Penanaman Modal Asing. MME memiliki cadangan tambang sekitar 140 juta ton di Sumatera Selatan dan memulai operasinya pada Juli 2010. Sejak itu, produksi batubara MME telah meningkat secara bertahap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, dengan produksi mencapai 1,2 juta ton pada tahun 2016. Pertumbuhan produksi ini menunjukkan tren positif dari tahun ke tahun, menjadikan tambang MME salah satu lokasi tambang terkemuka di bagian selatan Sumatera.

Visi MME adalah menjadi perusahaan pertambangan terintegrasi dan terkemuka di Indonesia dengan fokus pada pertumbuhan berkelanjutan, efisiensi biaya, dan tanggung jawab terhadap keselamatan pertambangan serta perlindungan lingkungan dan sosial masyarakat. Misi MME mencakup praktik pertambangan yang baik dan benar, penggunaan teknologi terkini, manajemen biaya yang efisien, pengembangan kemampuan tenaga kerja, membangun hubungan bisnis yang kuat, serta meningkatkan integrasi rantai pasokan batubara untuk keandalan dan efisiensi. MME juga berkomitmen memberikan manfaat optimal bagi pemegang saham, karyawan, dan masyarakat, serta memperhatikan lingkungan.

Transportation Supervisor


  • Bachelor’s degree in Mining, Geology, Transportation, or related fields
  • Minimum 3 years of experience
  • Familiar with rail transportation activities and coal transportation road traffic management
  • Certification in POP required
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Stockpile Foreman


  • D3/S1 in Engineering (Mining Engineering preferred)
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in the coal mining industry
  • Ability to manage the coal loading and unloading process in the stockpile
  • Capabilities in stockpile area management
  • Valid driver’s license (SIM A)
  • Good communication skills
  • Domicile in South Sumatera is preferred
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Sales Operations


  • D3/S1 in Management or related fields
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in related industries
  • Understanding of shipping terms/incoterms
  • Knowledge of mining operational activities, coal delivery, and related documents
  • Understanding of export procedures and related documents
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Good communication skills
  • Fluent in English (Mandarin is a plus)
  • Placement at Head Office

Safety & Health Supervisor


  • D3/S1 in Environment, Forestry, Mining, or related fields
  • Ability to create mining safety work programs and conduct training
  • Ability to implement Minerba SMKP
  • Knowledge of safety aspects, inspections & patrols, investigation techniques, and emergency situations
  • Certifications: POP, General AK3, TOT, and Minerba SMKP Auditor
  • Valid driver’s license (SIM A)
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Railway Foreman


  • D3/S1 in Engineering (Mining Engineering preferred)
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in the coal mining industry
  • Ability to manage the coal loading and unloading process
  • Understanding of transporting coal using trains
  • Valid driver’s license (SIM A)
  • Good communication skills
  • Domicile in South Sumatera is preferred
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Pit Geologist


  • Bachelor’s degree in Geology
  • Minimum 2-3 years of experience in the coal mining industry
  • Ability to create geological models with Minescape Stratmodel
  • Good knowledge of geology
  • Knowledge of coal sampling and analysis (ASTM and ISO methods)
  • Good understanding of coal quality and coal getting operations
  • Certifications: POP and SIM A
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Mine Plan Engineer


  • Bachelor’s degree in Mining or Geology
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in related industries as a Mine Plan Engineer/PIT Geologist (preferably in a mining company)
  • Knowledge of mining software such as Minescape, Surpac, Minex, Spry, Xpac, etc.
  • Understanding of short and long-term mining planning, evaluation, and mining operations
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Mine Control Center Staff


  • STM/SMK major in Mining or Geology
  • Fresh graduate or preferably 1-2 years of working experience in related fields
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Good knowledge of surface mapping
  • Ability to use GPS and geological compass
  • Domicile in Muara Enim is preferred
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Jetty Foreman


  • D3/S1 in any major
  • Minimum 3 years of experience working in a port or coal mine
  • Certification related to survey drafting
  • Understanding of survey drafts
  • Passive communication skills in English
  • Experience with ports or jetties
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Valid driver’s license (SIM A)
  • Domicile in South Sumatera is preferred
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Internal Auditor


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Business, or Management
  • At least 2-3 years of experience as an internal or external auditor
  • Experience with Big Four firms, coal companies, or in accounting is preferred
  • Ability to identify deficiencies in internal controls
  • Good business understanding and data analysis skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Environment Supervisor


  • Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Forestry, Mining, or related fields
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar role (preferably in a mining company)
  • Knowledge of acid mine drainage management, post-mining reclamation programs, ISO 14001, RKL/RPL, PROPER, and environmental pollution control programs
  • Experience in handling palm oil reclamation or revegetation
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

Environment Supervisor


  • Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Forestry, Mining, or related fields
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar role (preferably in a mining company)
  • Knowledge of acid mine drainage management, post-mining reclamation programs, ISO 14001, RKL/RPL, PROPER, and environmental pollution control programs
  • Experience in handling palm oil reclamation or revegetation
  • Placement at Site Muara Enim

How to Apply

If you are interested, please send your latest CV/Resume through the following link. Please be careful of fraud and requests for money related to this vacancy. We recommend double-checking before submitting your application.

  • Email to: hr.recruitment@mm-energi.com (Subject: Position-Name)