Lowongan PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia (PwC Indonesia)

PwC Global adalah jaringan firma dengan lebih dari 370,000 tenaga profesional yang tersebar di 149 negara, mengandalkan kualitas dan integritas dalam setiap layanan kepada klien. Setiap firma anggota jaringan global PwC adalah entitas hukum yang terpisah dan independen, namun beroperasi dengan nilai-nilai bersama yang tertuang dalam Kode Etik global PwC. Klien PwC memilih layanan kami karena kualitas yang konsisten dan keterampilan profesional yang kami tawarkan setiap hari. PwC juga berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan potensi para profesionalnya, membangun keterampilan teknis dan kepemimpinan mereka.

PwC Indonesia, yang mencakup KAP Rintis, Jumadi, Rianto & Rekan, PT Prima Wahana Caraka, PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia Advisory, PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting Indonesia, dan PwC Legal Indonesia, adalah anggota jaringan PwC Global dan beroperasi sebagai entitas independen. Sejak 1971, PwC Indonesia telah berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan sosial di Indonesia. PwC Indonesia membantu kliennya memecahkan masalah bisnis yang kompleks melalui layanan assurance, pajak, dan konsultasi dengan pendekatan yang mendalam terhadap kondisi ekonomi lokal.

Young Talent Program – Assurance Associate FY26

What’s the Young Talent Program?

It’s a program designed to hire final-year students and give them top-notch training so they’re all set to dive into the professional world right after graduation.

Why Join Us?

As an Auditor Associate, you’ll help us maintain our high standards of quality and regulatory compliance. You’ll get to work with a variety of clients, from small startups to big corporations, offering audit services and business advice.

Are You Eligible?

  • Are an Accounting major in your 7th or 8th semester
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00
  • Are fluent in English (both written and spoken)
  • Are expected to graduate in 2025 and able to join PwC between July – September

What’s the Selection Process?

  • Apply: Click the link below and apply to the Young Talent Program.
  • Selection: If you’re shortlisted, you’ll go through our recruitment process, which includes tests and an interview. Make sure you can set aside some time for this.
  • Get Hired: If you pass, you’ll be hired and enrolled in our training program to get all the skills and info you need before starting the job.

How To Apply

If you are interested, please send your latest CV/Resume through the following link. Please be careful of fraud and requests for money related to this vacancy. We recommend double-checking before submitting your application.

  • PWC Careers