A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (Maersk) adalah perusahaan pengapalan terintegrasi asal Denmark yang bergerak di sektor pengangkutan kargo melalui laut dan darat, serta layanan terkait seperti manajemen rantai pasok dan operasi pelabuhan. Sebagai salah satu perusahaan logistik terbesar di dunia, Maersk mengoperasikan armada kapal kontainer canggih yang menjangkau berbagai pelabuhan global, memastikan kelancaran distribusi barang lintas negara. Dengan teknologi modern dan solusi rantai pasok yang efisien, Maersk berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan pengiriman yang cepat, aman, dan berkelanjutan bagi pelanggan di berbagai industri.
Selain layanan pengapalan, Maersk juga menawarkan solusi logistik terintegrasi yang mencakup pergudangan, layanan kepabeanan, dan transportasi multimoda untuk mengoptimalkan efisiensi operasional pelanggan. Perusahaan ini terus berinovasi dalam penggunaan energi ramah lingkungan, seperti kapal berbahan bakar metanol hijau, guna mencapai target netral karbon pada tahun 2040. Dengan jaringan luas dan keahlian dalam manajemen rantai pasok, Maersk menjadi mitra strategis bagi bisnis global yang membutuhkan solusi logistik yang andal dan berkelanjutan.
Regional Management Trainee
Nurturing future leaders is pivotal to our success. Our Regional Management Trainee (RMT) Program provides an accelerated journey for graduates to develop to their fullest potential and become our business leaders in the near future.
As an RMT, you will be participating in an intensive 18-month program where you will be exposed to new business environments. We’ll give you real professional experience and the chance to apply your knowledge to real business challenges through job rotations, blended learning activities, management mentoring, corporate training and special projects. You’ll also get guidance and coaching from an experienced mentor. There will also be many opportunities to connect with new faces, including senior leaders, RMT alumni and fellow trainees.
Functions that you will be exposed to:
Operations – we are operations centric and thrive on thrive on delivering results. You get hands-on exposure on the warehouse floor understanding how we design solutions, implement and execute them for our global retail clients. Get behind the scenes during major online campaigns like 11.11. We guarantee a roller coaster ride.
Who are we looking for?
- Bachelor’s or master’s degree (any discipline) with a good GPA
- Fresh graduates or have a maximum of 2-years working experience
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, drive to succeed, and proactive
- Passionate about the Supply Chain industry
- Good spoken and written English
Want to be part of our exciting growth journey? Join us as a Management Trainee! You’ll play a vital part in our success, developing, designing, and implementing innovative supply chain solutions, which bring visibility, reliability and accountability to our customer’s supply chains.