Lowongan PT Dow Indonesia

Dow, perusahaan global dengan sejarah panjang di Indonesia sejak tahun 1973, memiliki kantor pusat di Jakarta dan fasilitas manufaktur di Cilegon. Fasilitas tersebut menghasilkan emulsi stirena-akrilik berbahan dasar air yang ramah lingkungan dan aman. Dow berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi inovatif, berkelanjutan, dan berfokus pada pelanggan dalam empat pasar utama: pengemasan, infrastruktur, layanan konsumen, dan mobilitas industri. Dengan dukungan pemerintah Indonesia, Dow menyelaraskan langkahnya untuk menciptakan solusi kreatif, berpartisipasi dalam kemitraan lintas-sektor, dan menjunjung tanggung jawab lingkungan untuk mendorong perubahan positif di industri dan negara.

Dow, sebagai pemimpin global dalam ilmu material, sangat berpengalaman dalam portofolio bisnisnya yang mencakup plastik, bahan antara industri, pelapis, dan silikon. Dengan fokus pada pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan, Dow menghadirkan produk dan solusi inovatif untuk pelanggan di berbagai segmen pasar. Sebagai perusahaan yang menggabungkan kimia, biologi, dan fisika, Dow memiliki tujuan menjadi perusahaan ilmu material paling inovatif, berpusat pada pelanggan, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan di seluruh dunia. Dengan lokasi manufaktur di 31 negara dan penjualan sekitar $57 miliar pada tahun 2022, Dow terus berkontribusi pada kemajuan manusia melalui pemikiran maju dan solusi inovatif.

Commercial Development Program (CDP)

Job Overview

The Dow Chemical Company is offering a great business career opportunity in a global and international environment. We are looking for ambitious candidates who are interested in joining us in the Commercial Development Program.

The Commercial Development Program (CDP) is a program that aims to prepare a young professional for the role of an Account Manager who will be key to Dow’s sustained commercial success in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

This competitive training program includes testing and developing listening, communication, presentation, persuasion and selling skills to be a successful solutions provider for Dow’s customers. During the program, candidates are partnered with a Dow global business segment on a sales/marketing project to learn and apply these skills in the world of B2B Chemical Sales. Additional opportunities include networking with Dow leadership, functional overview and shadowing experienced Dow sellers for early career mentoring. Upon graduating this leading edge program, candidates become an Account Manager in a Dow business that fits their skill set, knowledge and passion.

The program provides an environment to grow personally and gain real hands-on experience working in one of the leading companies of the chemical industry. If you are a young professional, aspiring to start a sales career… this is where it all begins!

During the program, participants will be offered:

  • Workshops, seminars and classroom trainings in Asia Pacific
  • Develop Sales Account Management skills to become Solutions Consultants in the industries we participate
  • Handle Sales and Marketing related projects related to the future job
  • Explore business growth opportunities for Dow businesses with potential exposure to current and potential customers and markets
  • Exposure to Senior Commercial leadership to understand better the company expectations and vision
  • Gain technical knowledge of markets and applications
  • Network with experienced Dow colleagues to build mentoring relationships

Career Opportunity

After successfully completing the Commercial Development Program, you will become a Sales Account Manager working in a business and sales environment, while interfacing with customers at all organization levels and with various functions ranging from purchasing, to research and development as well as manufacturing.

Who & what are we looking for?

  • 2024 new university graduates. A minimum of bachelor’s degree is required.
  • All educational backgrounds are welcome, although preference will be given to those with technical degrees such as chemical engineering, chemistry, materials science, marketing and business administration
  • Perfect fluency in the local language of the country applied as well as proficiency in English (written and verbal); additional language skills would be a strong asset
  • A pro-active attitude, self-motivated, excellent communication and strong interpersonal skills such as open mindedness, being inquisitive, creative, flexible, adaptable, analytical persuasion skills as well as customer focus are essential
  • Candidates are expected to understand the principles of marketing, skilled features-benefits-solutions selling, the business indicators, external market factors, market demands, value chain, source of growth
  • Confidence to handle significant amount of responsibility and accountability early in your career
  • Leadership skills are strongly valued
  • Professional level of computer literacy is a requirement
  • Candidates should be willing to travel and be flexible to work extended hours from time to time
  • Candidate should be willing to relocate to other cities for placement in a Sales Job
  • Adaptable to local/international business needs
  • Strong in collaboration in the aspect of knowing how team function/work together and being able to adjust yourself to work with other team members seamlessly

How to Apply

  • To submit your CV/resume and a cover letter, click on the following link: Apply Now