Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (World Health Organization/WHO) adalah badan khusus Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa yang bertanggung jawab atas kesehatan global. Berkantor pusat di Jenewa, Swiss, WHO memiliki enam kantor regional dan lebih dari 150 kantor lapangan di seluruh dunia. Organisasi ini hanya mengizinkan negara berdaulat sebagai anggotanya, menjadikannya organisasi kesehatan antar-pemerintah terbesar di dunia. Misi utama WHO adalah mencapai tingkat kesehatan tertinggi bagi seluruh penduduk dunia, dengan mendefinisikan kesehatan sebagai “kondisi kesejahteraan fisik, mental, dan sosial yang lengkap, bukan sekadar ketiadaan penyakit atau kelemahan.”
WHO memainkan peran penting dalam pengendalian penyakit epidemi dan endemik, pelatihan serta pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat, dan pengobatan medis. Selain itu, organisasi ini menetapkan standar internasional untuk produk biologis guna meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan global. WHO juga menjadi pemimpin dalam penelitian kesehatan, pengembangan vaksin, serta peningkatan akses layanan kesehatan. Melalui program seperti kampanye pemberantasan penyakit menular, WHO telah berkontribusi signifikan dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat di berbagai negara.
Team Assistant
Description of Duties
Under the direct supervision of the NPO Programme Operations Officer and broad guidance from the Administrative Officer to Indonesia, the incumbent provides office and secretarial support as follows:
- Office Support: Screen and distribute incoming correspondence, attaching relevant background information or files and forwarding them to the appropriate staff, highlighting key issues that require attention. Draft responses to general and administrative matters, type technical reports, documents, and tabular materials, ensuring compliance with WHO standards. Assist in preparing presentations and follow up on deadlines to ensure timely responses. Obtain documents and information from both internal and external sources and conduct information searches based on brief instructions or guidance. Maintain filing systems to ensure easy accessibility and retrieval of records.
- Programme Support: Prepare contracts for consultants, Agreements for Performance of Work (APW), Technical Services Agreements (TSA), and General External Services (GES) requests. Record the receipt of deliverables and initiate and monitor payments as necessary. Initiate requisitions for goods procurement and track the receipt of deliverables.
- Meetings/Duty Travel: Support the organization of meetings, workshops, seminars, etc., including preparing participant lists, travel requests, invitation letters, files, presentations, slides, and reserving meeting rooms and hotel accommodations. Prepare travel requests for official trips, make flight and hotel reservations, and organize travel files and related matters as needed. Receive visitors and phone calls, answering queries or directing them to the appropriate staff, providing background information on the purpose of the appointment. Replace the Executive Assistant during absences (if applicable) and perform other related duties as required, providing support to other work areas.