Expeditors adalah perusahaan logistik berbasis layanan yang masuk dalam daftar Fortune 500, dengan kantor pusat di Seattle, Washington, AS. Perusahaan ini menawarkan solusi rantai pasok yang sangat teroptimasi dan disesuaikan untuk kebutuhan pelanggan, didukung oleh sistem teknologi terpadu yang terhubung melalui jaringan global lebih dari 350 lokasi di lebih dari 100 negara di enam benua. Sebagai perusahaan berbasis layanan, Expeditors tidak memiliki pesawat, kapal, atau truk sendiri, sehingga memungkinkan fleksibilitas tinggi dalam manajemen rantai pasok dan kemampuan menemukan rute serta opsi harga terbaik.
Dengan pendekatan berbasis teknologi dan pengalaman industri yang mendalam, Expeditors memberikan layanan yang mencakup pengelolaan kargo udara, laut, darat, serta layanan tambahan seperti pergudangan, bea cukai, dan distribusi. Kemampuan perusahaan untuk menyesuaikan solusi logistik dengan kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan menjadikannya mitra andal bagi berbagai industri, mulai dari manufaktur hingga ritel. Fokus pada efisiensi, transparansi, dan hubungan jangka panjang menjadikan Expeditors pilihan utama dalam pengelolaan logistik global.
Management Trainee (MT) Program
Job Description
Features of the MT Program
- One year program
- Structured training curriculum in specific business, management, operations and personal development areas
- Mentorship from senior management for professional and personal career guidance
- Exposure to every aspect of the business
- Opportunity to join teams across various projects
- Career advancement opportunity
- Enthusiastic and committed to a long-term career at Expeditors
- Possess a “can do” attitude
- Good interpersonal skills and people focused
- Ability to communicate clearly and effectively through oral and written English
- Team player with leadership qualities
- Courage to face new challenges
- Process-oriented with good analytical skills
- Open to considering relocation to another country based on business needs
How To Apply
- Submit 250–300word long answers for each of the following five questions:
- Describe your specific career aspirations and your reason for pursuing a management traineeship with Expeditors.
- What historical person do you most admire? What about their life inspires you and which of their character traits would you like to possess?
- Describe a situation in which you led a team. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
- Describe a personal achievement that has had a significant impact on your life.
- Discuss a non-academic personal failure. What did you learn from the experience?
Additional Information
- Applying does not warrant an interview or acceptance for the position. You will receive a notice if an interview will take place.
- Expeditors reserves the right to change this Standard at any time and for any reason and to grant exceptions to this Standard based on business needs.
- Application Closing: 12 February2025